The second edition of this book has now appeared.
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Sample (pdf, 1.3 MB) contains the front cover, contents, and 75 pages of excerpts of the preface and all four parts.

Amazon Online Reader contains all 745 pages of the book. However, only the front cover, contents, copyright information, first few pages of the first chapter, and index can be accessed directly. Among the others, a page is only displayed if the particular term that is being searched appears on this page.

Google books contains the front cover, contents, and the first few pages of each chapter, except chapter 1, and the index.

Buy the book

The book can be bought online at Cambridge University Press, Barnes and Noble, Amazon U.S.A., Amazon U.K., Amazon Canada, Amazon Japan, Amazon France, Amazon Germany, and (compares various online stores).

An electronic version of the book can be purchased from This is essentially a copy-protected PDF version of the book.